STOP THINKING: 10 Warning Signs of a Thinking Problem
2017, 4.25 x 6.75 inches, 44 pps.
digital printing, perfect bound
“Does overthinking still exist in the wilds of contemporary America? Despite hard evidence to the contrary, this seemingly anachronistic condition persists in pockets and patches from coast to coast — the tote bag sophisticates, the progressive stackers. Book artist Scott McCarney has the plight of the over-thinker in mind with his new book ‘Stop Thinking: 10 Warning Signs of a Thinking Problem.’ Denying thinking, thinking induced blackouts, and increased thinking tolerance are warning signs covered in the potentially brain-saving volume, dedicated to ‘all practitioners of abstinence from thought.’” — Artbook MoMa PS1
Available in the “Magnetic Field of Revulsion” collection.
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