1995, 6 x 9 inches, 56 pps.
offset edition, perfect bound
Wallpaper edition of 30
This book, though a work unto itself, functions as the index to “The Encyclopedia,” a sculptural bookwork installed in the Portland Campus Library of the University of Southern Maine. Both works were created through an exhaustive "reading" of a 1960 edition Encyclopedia Americana. All the illustrative material was removed from 29 volumes, rendering the bound books material for sculpture. The text blocks were then carved with hammer and chisel into a grid of 1 inch squares and images reintroduced creating a bit-mapped image of the artists hand.
INDEX was constructed in the same basic manner as “The Encyclopedia,” utilizing scans of Volume 30 (the index) that had been similiarly carved into a filed of pixels. Images relating to the residency and this process of reading were electronically added following an image map of the artist’s hand.
A special “Wallpaper” edition of 30 copies packages loose pages that can be assembled as a wall display for reading the whole book at a single glance.
$25.00 Regular edition
$100.00 Wallpaper edition
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