Disjecta Membra Remote ~ A Virtual Tour & Book Viewing

Scott McCarney facilitates a walk-through of Disjecta Membra* Remote, a scale model of an exhibition IRL that fell victim to social distancing. The gallery tour is followed by page turning of full-scale books featured in the exhibition. The concept of this project explores the display of information in both dynamic (book) and static (wall) states, offering the viewer contrasting experiences of privately turned pages on a horizontal surface in tandem with the public viewing of images on a vertical plane.
The books and prints on display are a cross section of seven bodies of work spanning 20 years that, surprisingly, address contemporary issues heightened by self-isolation: The translation and migration of real time to digital spaces; fear of the unknown in times of political turmoil; psychological effects of social distancing on our relationships and proximity to the landscape.
*The term disjecta membra is paraphrased from the Roman lyric poet Horace, who wrote of disjecti membra poetae, referring to the “limbs of a dismembered poet.” The passage is often taken to imply that if a line from poetry were torn apart and rearranged, the dismembered parts of the poet would still be recognizable. In modern bibliophlic terms, it refers to “scattered leaves”: pages of books that have been removed from their bindings, frequently for economic reasons. Our current reality of social distancing and remote viewing amplifies this concept through the mediation of teleconferencing.
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The books and prints on display are a cross section of seven bodies of work spanning 20 years that, surprisingly, address contemporary issues heightened by self-isolation: The translation and migration of real time to digital spaces; fear of the unknown in times of political turmoil; psychological effects of social distancing on our relationships and proximity to the landscape.
*The term disjecta membra is paraphrased from the Roman lyric poet Horace, who wrote of disjecti membra poetae, referring to the “limbs of a dismembered poet.” The passage is often taken to imply that if a line from poetry were torn apart and rearranged, the dismembered parts of the poet would still be recognizable. In modern bibliophlic terms, it refers to “scattered leaves”: pages of books that have been removed from their bindings, frequently for economic reasons. Our current reality of social distancing and remote viewing amplifies this concept through the mediation of teleconferencing.
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