Dessert Shield
2016, 6 x 9 inches, 28 pps.
digital printing, color cover, b&w on cream paper interior
saddle stitched
Dessert Shield was conceived and produced in December of 1990 as a gift for friends. President George H.W. Bush initiated “Operation Desert Shield” on August 7 of that year in response to Iraq’s invasion of Kuwait. The order prepared American troops for the war against Iraq, launched as “Operation Desert Storm” in January 1991 with a massive bombing of Hussein’s armies in Iraq and Kuwait.
This facsimile was prepared on the eve of Donald J. Trump’s inauguration, anticipating the need for energy to maintain vigilance and prepare a thoughtful resistance.
Part of the “digital facsimile” series, reprints of works that originated as one-of-a-kind or limited edition books.
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